
Feb 11, · Essay On Corporate Culture. Also known as organizational culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization. It entails the specific collection of values and norms shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and each stakeholders outside the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins An excellent corporate culture is a significant condition that paves way for the formulation of corporate strategy. Corporate culture also highlights the characteristics of the enterprises, the formation of values that are common among all the stakeholders, and has a distinct personality Corporate culture is an idea that cannot be easily ignored or dismissed. The truth is that if the company is striving for financial success, a positive reputation, and good standing in the community, it needs to shift its focus to building a solid corporate culture
What´s Corporate Culture Essay - Words | Bartleby
In order for any small business or large corporation to be successful, the employees must understand what is expected of them. MAKE THE BUSINESS MONEY. The topic of my paper will be on makes a good corporate culture.
These four blocks are integrity, leadership, dedication, and service. Complete honesty is the ethical way and should be the only way that one does business. Without integrity, there would be no trust essay on corporate culture your company and the customers.
When clients and consumers trust you, they want to do business with you and will continue essay on corporate culture do business with you until they feel as though the integrity has been sacrificed, essay on corporate culture. Leadership is not only a quality that upper management and managers need to have, but instead it is a quality that all members of a business should develop Chapin, 1.
With many employees having leadership qualities, a company is able to better itself with by having multitude of ideas to choose from to better the company. Dedication to ones own company is doing what is expected of you and then giving more that people expect Chapin, 2. Giving the same amount of effort in the office as you give a client not only builds a solid team but creates a more rewarding work environment Chapin, 2.
Dedication builds two good things: Better relationships with the clients and better corporate culture. Giving excellent service to a client can sometimes make up for any mistake that may have happened in the delivery of a product and how fast you respond to correct the error can keep that customer with your company. Thomas C. Mawhinney has a different approach to making a good corporate culture. His six ideas are the managers behavior, employee selection, the external culture, essay on corporate culture, establishing a clear corporate mission, keep the mission up front, managers must reflect the desired culture, and employees learning must be ongoing, Mawhinney, Mawhinneys essay on corporate culture idea is the managers behavior.
Studies indicate that the single greatest influence on essay on corporate culture work culture is the manager Mawhinney, The speed of the boss is the speed of the team, said Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca.
Employees in all lines of work must realize that the best way to succeed in his or her job status is to pay attention to what the boss does opposed to what the boss says Mawhinney, A common coined essay on corporate culture is Actions speak louder that words and a managers decision can send both a bad and good examples to employees of how to operate in daily business affairs.
The next concept is employee selection. Some of the high-performance organizations, such as IBM, carefully select their employees to fit in with the existing corporate culture Mawhinney, They become IMB-ers Mawhinney, Not all people want to work in a suit and tie environment but it does help if there is a certain uniform-standard that all employees, including upper management, adhere too Mawhinney, essay on corporate culture, Mawhinneys next concept is about the external culture of a company.
A companys internal culture can be strongly influenced by the culture of the community that surrounds it. American companys that set up business overseas quickly learn that they must respect the local cultural beliefs if they expect to have a good relationship with the people of the place where they are Mawhinney, The next concept is having a clear established corporate mission.
This organizations exists for the purpose of? that is the question asked by Mawhinney. Mawhinney states that if the question in the previous line proves difficult to answer then you have discovered a good place to start improving your corporate culture. A essay on corporate culture and easily understandable organizational mission statement makes it much easier for people within the organization to set priorities, make decisions, and determine values Mawhinney, It helps everyone in the organization answer the basic question, What am I doing here Mawhinney, essay on corporate culture, 45?
Many managers seem to assume that all employees can answer without ever really finding out whether their employees can or not Mawhinney, It is imperative that managers clearly communicate to all members of the organization what the purpose of the organization really is Mawhinney, essay on corporate culture, 45 because without that understanding employees do not feel that they are essential to the organization, its functions, or its future direction Mawhinney, The results can be mediocre job performance, absenteeism, low corporate loyalty, and high turnover Mawhinney, The fourth idea is to keep the mission up front.
Once an organizations purpose has been clearly established, the manager must ensure that it is continually kept in front of the employees Mawhinney, essay on corporate culture, The mission should be brought up at every meeting, every function and should be visibly posted somewhere in the workspace Mawhinney, Mawhinneys next idea is to keep employee learning an ongoing thing.
Technology is constantly expanding and changing essay on corporate culture so many ways that people can sometimes lose track of everything and how it works. That is why, according to Mawhinney, that employees must be constantly learning all of the new techniques, new spec.
s on items and other related info. They the employees need to know what the organization expects in the way of quality products or service and how to achieve it Mawhinney, The third and final author that has inspired and helped me write this paper is Lawrence M, essay on corporate culture.
In his book, American Spirit: Visions of a new corporate culture, Miller tells about his plan for building a good corporate culture. The first principle is the purpose principle.
WE all have a need to confirm our self-worth and that need cannot be achieved in the absence of a sense of contribution to some higher purpose Miller, The most successful companies have defined their aims in terms of product or service and benefits to customers in a manner that can inspire and motivate their employees Miller, A competitive company will make the much needed connection between the souls of the employees and the work of the employees which will, it turn, benefit the company with a good out flow of energy released.
Milers next principle is the excellence principle. Our culture values comfort, essay on corporate culture, both material and psychological Miller, We feel as though we should achieve personal satisfaction and fulfillment from our job Miller, According to miller essay on corporate culture only way to encourage excellence is to provide dissatisfaction Miller, Miller also states that a workers satisfaction is often in conflict with excellence.
The average employee would rather not come under any tests and trials and it is this motivation, in part, that keeps them going Miller, The consensus principle is Millers next idea. Managers are stuck in the culture of command Miller, It is important, according to this principle, for the employee to share his thoughts and feelings.
It is also important for the employee to change his efforts from physical energy to mental energy Miller, It is This change in task that necessitates a change from command to consensus Miller, This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.
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An excellent corporate culture is a significant condition that paves way for the formulation of corporate strategy. Corporate culture also highlights the characteristics of the enterprises, the formation of values that are common among all the stakeholders, and has a distinct personality Feb 11, · Essay On Corporate Culture. Also known as organizational culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization. It entails the specific collection of values and norms shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and each stakeholders outside the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Jan 29, · Corporate CultureThe culture of an organization is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that helps its members understand what the organization stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important” (Griffin, 49). In other words, “the Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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