Sep 01, · Create and then play a board game with your family involving aspects of Year 6 learning. Read a book that you have never read before (a different genre). Make a video diary about your experience of Ramadan with at least 8 entries. Create a stop motion animation. For example: Ramadan, kindness or sharing an important blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins As we reach the end of Cycle 1 and our well deserved mid-term break, there will be no homework assigned for Year 6 students next week. Please take the time to rest and rejuvenate ahead of Cycle 2. Although there are no tasks to be completed on Showbie, please access Accelerated Reader and Century regularly over the coming week as these are both excellent tools for learning and Year 6 Homework. Grammar homework for Tuesday 19th October. Complete page 42 from the CGP book – commas after subordinate clauses. If you have trouble accessing the website, let us know before Tuesday so we can help you. Aim for 80% as a minimum please but the second section is a bit tricky so do your blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Year 6 Homework: Home
This week we have been looking at Fractions. Your task today is to complete the assignment on Prodigy based on Adding and Subtracting Fractions. The assignment doesn't come up specifically however, when you begin to play, it starts the assignment.
Optional Extra Homework:. Click the link below to practise adding and subtracting fractions. Optional Extra Homework. During our unit on Electricity, we have covered various concepts and learnt lots of new skills. Our end of unit assessment is next week. Use this time to revise year 6 homework help topic of Electricity so far so you're prepared for your assessment with the seesaw task set on your class.
If you want to revise further, use the Century Tech pathway to help you find the nuggets based on Electricity. Practise your weekly spellings on EDshed ready for this week's test. If you're confident, create a poster with an acrostic poem or spelling trick to help others remember.
You need to read for at least 25 minutes per day. You have your two books from the library, all of the books on EPIC and any others that you may have year 6 homework help home. To further your skills, log onto read theory to complete comprehension activities based on a variety of texts.
Your task today is to complete the assignment on Century Tech:. Century Tech optional extra homework: WB The Hound of the Baskervilles. As we have now finished this book, your task this week focuses on the book as a whole. You need to pick a character from the list below and create a video diary of them and their journey throughout the book. The full text is on your class Teams. This week we have been looking at BIDMAS and the order of operations.
Complete the following Nuggets on Century Tech to reinforce your understanding and support this week's learning:. Century Tech optional extra homework: WB 7. In Science we have started our new unit on Electricity. Your task this week is to research Sustainable energy sources within the UAE.
You need to pick one of the Sustainable energy sources below and research it in depth. You can present your research in any way you choose, however you need to ensure you answer these questions:. Sustainable Energy Sources to choose from:. This week's math's homework is an assignment on Prodigy focusing on division.
It covers dividing by 1 and 2 digits with and without remainders. Assignment Name: Optional Extra: Order of Operations. Log onto Century Tech and Complete the assignment: WB It consists of one nugget: Bidmas 1. This will really support you next week! Using a real life Newspaper, year 6 homework help, or a child friendly one online, complete the features hunt sheet below, year 6 homework help.
Extra Challenge- Can you find any examples of puns in the headlines? If not, can you change any into puns? This week's task looks at Radius and Diameter which we have started to cover this week. Complete the Bronze, Silver or Gold tasks below, year 6 homework help.
You can choose year 6 homework help complete two sections if you want! Optional extra: Revision of Roman Numerals. Century Tech: WB Complete all the nuggets and watch the videos to complete this piece of homework. This week in English, we have been looking at the features of Non-chronological reports in preparation for writing our own.
To further reinforce these skills, you are going to create a Non-Chronological Report about a topic of your choice you need to know a lot about it and be confident writing about it. This will be a 2 week task! This is Week 2! For this week, you will be using your plan to write your own Non Chronological Report. You can lay it out however you choose however it needs to be completed on paper and hand written. Success Criteria:.
Maths - Century Tech. This week we are covering some familiar concepts in maths building on the knowledge you gained in Year 5. Completing these nuggets will support you next week in lessons. The Century Tech Assignment WB 3. For this week, you will be creating a detailed plan of your report on either year 6 homework help or your Ipad. It needs to include:. For homework this week, you are going to focus on mental maths strategies. Complete BOTH parts. Part 1: Complete the assignment on Century tech which consists of 4 nuggets: Mental addition, year 6 homework help, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Part 2: Using the attached Maths question sheet belowcreate a quiz based of questions. Ask a friend or adult to practise these with you 3 times this week- does your score improve? Must: Include 10 5-second questions. Should: 10 5-second questions and 5 second questions. Could: 10 5-second questions, 5 second questions and 5 second questions. Optional Extra:. Complete the assignment on long and short division on century tech. Science- Shadows. During Science this week, you were given two optional Science tasks to complete based on our work on shadows this week.
Pick 1 option. Conduct an investigation to answer the question: How does distance from a light year 6 homework help affect a shadow?
Must: Complete the experiment with picture evidence and a recording of the method, year 6 homework help. Should: Complete the experiment and create a write up including: Hypothesis, method, results and a conclusion. Could: Complete one experiment and create a write up including: Hypothesis, method, results, a conclusion and a plan for an additional experiment to test the results further. Option Create a Shadow puppet performance of the Witches scene in Macbeth, year 6 homework help.
Use your knowledge of manipulating shadows to create an engaging performance. Film this and upload it onto seesaw. Five Second Question. Numbers and the Number System. Multiplication and Division by 10s or s. Ø Divide three hundred and ninety by ten, year 6 homework help. Ø What is nought point two six divided by ten? Ø What is fifty-six multiplied by 10? Ø What is three point eight multiplied by one hundred?
Ø What is sixty-five multiplied by one hundred? Ø What is twenty-five multiplied by two hundred? Ø Divide thirty-one point five divided by ten? Ø What is four thousand seven hundred and seventy-three rounded to the nearest hundred? Ø Write three hundred and twenty-six to the nearest ten. Writing Numbers in Figures. Ø Write in figures the number six thousand and fifty eight, year 6 homework help. Ø Write the number two thousand and nine in figures.
Ø Write year 6 homework help number twenty thousand and sixty-nine in figures. Ø Write the number one hundred and six in figures. Ø Write the next odd number after twenty-nine. Ø Write an even number that comes between sixty-one and seventy-one.
Ø What number is two less than nine hundred and one?
Year 6 maths homework help - ratio and proportion
, time: 0:55Year 6 | TheSchoolRun

Sep 01, · Create and then play a board game with your family involving aspects of Year 6 learning. Read a book that you have never read before (a different genre). Make a video diary about your experience of Ramadan with at least 8 entries. Create a stop motion animation. For example: Ramadan, kindness or sharing an important blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins As we reach the end of Cycle 1 and our well deserved mid-term break, there will be no homework assigned for Year 6 students next week. Please take the time to rest and rejuvenate ahead of Cycle 2. Although there are no tasks to be completed on Showbie, please access Accelerated Reader and Century regularly over the coming week as these are both excellent tools for learning and Year 6 Homework. Grammar homework for Tuesday 19th October. Complete page 42 from the CGP book – commas after subordinate clauses. If you have trouble accessing the website, let us know before Tuesday so we can help you. Aim for 80% as a minimum please but the second section is a bit tricky so do your blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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